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Infinity Pest Control Attends the FAOPMA Pest Summit 2020 Virtual Conference

Updated: Jul 17, 2022

Never in our lifetime has humanity faced a greater challenge. By mid-November 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in more than 55 million cases and, sadly, some 1.3 million deaths. It has been estimated that the actual number of cases could be closer to 200 million worldwide, and deaths by the end of the year will easily surpass 1.5 million.

Unfortunately, the economic impacts of the pandemic are devastating. It was recently estimated that a single case of COVID-19 costs an economy around $USD46,000. The World Economic Forum has now forecasted that the global economic costs could be as high as $USD15.8 trillion! Already we have seen unemployment skyrocket to levels not seen since the Great Depression with poverty rapidly on the rise. Many business sectors are facing difficult times ahead and numerous establishments have already gone bankrupt under the financial pressures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pest management industry is not immune to these impacts and companies are going to find survival to the future very challenging. Due to lockdown measures and human safety, and that most countries halted international travel, the annual FAOPMA-Pest Summit meeting had to be cancelled. This was planned to be held in September 2020 in Manila, Philippines headed by Mr. Danilo Magpantay, President of The United Pest Management Association of the Philippines Inc.

The Federation of Asian and Oceania Pest Managers Associations (‘FAOPMA’), has a strong commitment to support the industry during these difficult times. Thus it was decided that a virtual meeting would be held based around the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges this contagion has caused to the industry. Arguably, this event is the most important conference ever held to date in the global history of pest management.

The theme of the meeting is ‘Survive COVID-19; Protecting Your Future’, with the aim of safeguarding the pest management industry through an uncertain world.

It assembled many of the greatest speakers in pest management today. This includes owners of companies who not only survived the Global/Asian Financial Crisis but came through bigger and stronger. Presentations include talks on the future of COVID-19, the economic impacts of the pandemic, the impacts of the pandemic on urban pests, remote management options during the pandemic, remote learning, remote monitoring, marketing in times of COVID-19, business survival, overcoming mental health aspects, customer retention, and much more.

A special session will examine the impacts of the pandemic upon the pest management industry across the Asian, Pacific, and Indian regions, with talks given by the Presidents of the various industry associations.

Exhibition booths are available to view the latest and greatest products from a variety of companies. In order for the meeting to be inclusive, the Organizing Committee (OC) decided to offer the registration at a much reduced cost, only USD$50, and talks would be translated into multiple languages including Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, and Thai. Most importantly, the meeting was designed to be inclusive and made open to anyone who wished to attend the meeting. The OC wanted to support the entire pest management industry, even those not yet a member of FAOPMA. We have also made all talks available for a year after the event, as we know that everyone is very busy these days and it is difficult to sit through an entire day’s worth of talks.

Most importantly we wish to thank the sponsors, firstly the Platinum Sponsors: Bentz Jaz, Cre8tech, Green Agro Science, Fuji Flavor, and Make Safe Australia. Plus the Gold Sponsors: Bayer, Brandenburg, Ensystex, Pest Tech, and Sandya Group, plus all the exhibitors. Offering to sponsor a virtual event during such economically difficult times, demonstrates that these companies have supreme confidence in their products, and I hope you in turn support these high quality businesses. Stephen L. Doggett, Program Chair, and Chief Editor of the FAOPMA Magazine.

The Federation of Asian and Oceania Pest Managers Associations was established in 1989 by representatives from Asian and Oceanic countries to promote and expand the professional pest management industry in the area.

FAOPMA's shared goals and interests are to advance the professional pest management industry by sharing expertise, information, and experiences, as well as to implement or improve "best practice" methodologies that are applicable to our area and unique regional needs.

Both specialist pest control industry associations in the specific field, as well as internationally, will now join as associate members. Manufacturers, manufacturers, industry consultants, coaches, academic organizations, and individuals who offer a direct product or service to the professional pest management industry are invited to join as affiliate members or supporters and benefit from the FAOPMA community's support and fellowship.

FAOPMA was established in Hong Kong and is now assisted by an Australian administrative office and support staff.

The Administrator is in charge of all administrative functions, organizational enforcement, and monitoring, as well as providing advice on constitutional procedures and coordinating meetings and Executive Committee projects and initiatives.

Honorary special advisors are often invited to contribute and support the Executive Committee in various decision-making processes. The term of office bearers is two years, and all roles within the Executive Committee are filled on a voluntary basis and can only be held by a full member from a qualifying member country.

Along with the administrative office's and Executive Committee's ongoing efforts to promote FAOPMA and competent pest management in the region, one of FAOPMA's highlights is the annual convention, which is hosted by a member country and covers both local and regional pest management issues. These events have earned a reputation as one of the industry's global events, with many foreign speakers and presenters.


The Federation of Asian and Oceania Pest Managers Associations was established in 1989 by representatives from Asian and Oceanic countries to promote and expand the professional pest management industry in the area.

FAOPMA's shared goals and interests are to advance the professional pest management industry by sharing expertise, information, and experiences, as well as to implement or improve "best practice" methodologies that are applicable to our area and unique regional needs.

Both specialist pest control industry associations in the specific field, as well as internationally, will now join as associate members. Manufacturers, manufacturers, industry consultants, coaches, academic organizations, and individuals who offer a direct product or service to the professional pest management industry are invited to join as affiliate members or supporters and benefit from the FAOPMA community's support and fellowship.

FAOPMA was established in Hong Kong and is now assisted by an Australian administrative office and support staff.

The Administrator is in charge of all administrative functions, organizational enforcement, and monitoring, as well as providing advice on constitutional procedures and coordinating meetings and Executive Committee projects and initiatives.

Honorary special advisors are often invited to contribute and support the Executive Committee in various decision-making processes. The term of office bearers is two years, and all roles within the Executive Committee are filled on a voluntary basis and can only be held by a full member from a qualifying member country.

Along with the administrative office's and Executive Committee's ongoing efforts to promote FAOPMA and competent pest management in the region, one of FAOPMA's highlights is the annual convention, which is hosted by a member country and covers both local and regional pest management issues. These events have earned a reputation as one of the industry's global events, with many foreign speakers and presenters.


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