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Updated: May 8, 2021

Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures. Since cockroaches like to live and eat in the dark, seeing one can indicate an infestation during the day. Cockroaches prefer quiet, damp areas to hide and breed, and can be found behind refrigerators, toilets, stoves, and underfloor drains, and inside motors and large appliances. Cockroaches can flatten their bodies to fit into tight spaces, so they can be found hidden under rubber pads, behind curtains, and inside wall cracks.

Cockroach Droppings

During an infestation, cockroach feces will be noticeable. Small roaches excrete feces that look like coffee grounds or black pepper, while bigger roaches shed cylindrical droppings. The amount of apparent poop is frequently a reasonable predictor of the severity or extent of an infestation.

Unpleasant Odors

Some species have foul odors. A heavy sticky or musty odor can be present in the case of a severe infestation. The remains of dead cockroaches can also be found all over the place.

Cockroach Eggs

Oval-shaped egg cases, known as oothecae, can be found behind furniture and in other obscure places, such as between books.

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