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Updated: May 8, 2021

Few rodents are more feared by homeowners than termites. They may be insignificant, but they collectively cause Billions of Pesos in harm to Filipino homes every year. The idea that these parasitic insects are quietly eating away at the investment you've made in your home can be frightening. But why do termites consume wood in the first place? Is foraging termites' diet limited to wood, or can they cause other types of damage in and around your home?

Termites eat wood, but they're just after the cellulose that gives wood its strength. The key component contained in the cell walls of wood, plants, and grass is cellulose. It's also the world's most plentiful organic compound. Cellulose is also used in paper and cardboard.

Even after establishing themselves in your house, termites never stop feeding. They will eat everything that contains cellulose to feed their ever-expanding colonies. Lumber, books, magazines, sheetrock (or drywall), wallpaper, and fabrics are all targets for termites. In other words, if you have a termite infestation, your home's foundation isn't the only thing that's at danger. Your furniture and personal belongings are also at risk.

The digestion of termites is a difficult task. Termites are unable to absorb cellulose on their own and draw life-sustaining nutrients from it. They have to rely on one-celled protozoa and bacteria that reside in their intestines for assistance. These bacteria break down cellulose into simple sugars, which keep their termite hosts alive.


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